Ordering Information
We publish the Real Estate and Mortgage Agent newsleters in English or Spanish for real estate and mortgage professionals in the US and all Spanish speaking countries. You can order the newsletters semi-weekly (twice a month), monthly or bi-monthly (every other month). We require you to take a minimum of 6 issues to give it a good try-out. After 6 issues you can discontinue the service if you want to.
The newsletters are sent to you by email for your distribution to your readers. If you have a lot of contacts that you want to send your newsletters to we can send 300 your newsletters for you through our Email Provider at no extra cost. There is an addtitional fee for sending more that 300 newsletters
These fees include the Newsletter, the Landing Page in English or Spanish and Emailing your Newseltter to up to 300 of your conatats. Each issue is $25 but if you take both the Spanish and English the fee is $40 for both. In other words $15 for the second newseltter.
We require payment in advance each month. We will invoice you between the 1st and 3rd of each month for the following month's pubication. We except credit and debit cards. You can pay from our invoice and we never see your credit card information.
There is a one-time set-up fee of $30 for the first language Newsletter and Landing Page and for the second language Newsletter and Landing Page an additional $15.
We let you look at the set-up layout we did on your Newseltter and the Landing Page for your approval or to submit changes. We do not send the subsequent issues to you for approval unless you submit a change to your layout, which you may do at no fee.
You do not have to contribute any articles to the newseltters. We will give you the newsletter with all aricles complete. However, if you want to send us an article of any length, you may send it to us by the deadline which is the 3rd of each month for the following month's publication. We do not charge you for putting the articles you send us into the publications.
To order please go here to our new subscriber order form and questionnaire. Please complete the questionnaire and send it to us and we will get back to you.