Sales Training Manual (Page 3)
Part 4 - Finding Prospective Subscribers
We are selling to real estate agents. They are our clients. It is easy to find these people. There are hundreds of them everywhere. All you need to do is Google "real estate agents in Panama (or wherever you are). Find the person's name on their website and their other contact information. Find five of them to start with and put them in your prospects form.
Part 5 - How to Sell Them - The Sales Process
OK, now we are going to get into the nuts and bolts on how to sell these people.
First, let me say, there are only a limited amount of prospective subscribers. We don't want to blow them away and lose them if we can avoid it.
Your first sales job is not to sell them the newseltter. You want to first sell them on agreeing that you can send them an email explaining our services This is your first goal. Getting them to agree to receive your email. This should be easy to do. I will give you a script here about what to say on the phone call.
I would suggest you call them on the phone first before sending them an email.
Here is what I suggest you say on the phone. You can modify it to your own personality.
"Phone Script"
Remember, your first sales goal is to get them to agree to receive your email. Be friendly.
" Hello is this Mr. / Ms.?
Hi, my name is Adriana Sanchez. How are you doing today? I am the Panama representative for a company based in California that has been providing Personalized Marketing Newslettlers for real estate professionals exclusivly thorughout the US and and Latin countries since 1988. It is a super low cost way to keep your face and company information in front of your client base and prospects each month. Would it be OK if I send you a quick email explaining our services? I am sure you will find it interesting.
OK, thanks let me confirm your email address. Is it ? Great I will send it shortly and follow up to see what you think of it.Thanks for your time."
The Follow Up Email
Within minutes of getting off the phone with them, send your follow-up email. Now you are not just sending out an email cold. You have established a contact with them already. But the send the email right after you get off the phone so they don't forget you.
Go to the next page to see the email. I will send you this email to your email address.